Monday, February 2, 2009

Give Me A Lever And A Place to Stand

"Archimedes asked only for a lever and a place to stand, and he would move the world." -- John Mason, Hudson-Catskill Newspapers
Please forward this to every New Yorker you communicate with -- Conservative, Liberal, Green, Independent, Republicans, Working Families, Democrats, etc. All have one thing in common:
We want our votes to be counted.

New York has the last transparent, secure, accurate and reliable electoral system left in the nation. Join citizens, county legislators, county election commissioners and political parties in saving our lever voting system!

Here's how:

1) Seek resolutions from your county government. At our blog,, you'll find a letter to send to your legislators with contact info and a copy of the text of the first resolution to keep our lever voting system, unanimously passed in Dutchess County, NY, now being considered by other county legislatures and with your help, across the entire state! Send copies of this letter, or your own version, to all members of government. Find helpful contact links at our blog.

2) Sign and circulate this petition:

3) Donate to our efforts on the blog site & contact to volunteer some time to Save Our Lever Voting System.

4. Finally, please read and circulate this excellent article about Columbia County's efforts by John Mason in the Hudson-Catskill Newspapers:
County may petition to stick with levers
As Mason so aptly notes, "Archimedes asked only for a lever and a place to stand, and he would move the world."

You can read more about what it takes to run a truly transparent election system like New York's here:
Executive Summary (PDF)
Long Version (PDF)

Thanks for taking the time to help!

Andi Novick, Esq.
Founder, Re-Media Election Transparency Coalition